/ Pricing

Plans & Pricing

C$ 0 / mo
C$ 0 / year
House Plans
Direct Buyer Messaging
Social Media Reach
Priority Plan Placement
Plan Upload Concierge
C$ 70 / mo
C$ 840 / year
House Plans
Direct Buyer Messaging
Social Media Reach
Priority Plan Placement
Plan Upload Concierge
C$ 260 / mo
C$ 3120 / year
House Plans
Direct Buyer Messaging
Social Media Reach
Priority Plan Placement
Plan Upload Concierge
** You can activate any tariff plan for 1, 3 or 6 months for free. PlansPlace is currently in beta testing, and we do not charge our fee. All terms and prices on this page are final and will not change after the end of beta testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question we don't answer below? Contact us!

What is the recommendation?

If an architect sells a CAD Concept file to foreign clients, then all foreign clients can see recommended architects from their country on the page of this architect’s plans. The client purchases a CAD Concept file from you and forwards it to a local architect to develop construction documents that would adhere to their local building codes (another architect can also buy a CAD file). You will also be recommended to all clients from your country when they are on the house plan page of a foreign architect.

Hard to understand? Let's check out an example! You are an architect or a designer from the US. A visitor from Australia comes to your plan page and sees that you sell a CAD Concept File. On your plan page, they will see architects from Australia whom PlansPlace recommends. If you are not selling the CAD Concept file for all your house plans or just this plan, then the Australian visitor will see the Plan Set Options you have configured for your home market and will not see the recommended Australian architects.

What happens if I reach the limit of posted plans or works?

Once you reach the limits on the Basic or Pro plans, you will not be able to create new house plans for sale and/or works.

Will my plans be reviewed if I have the Pro or Business plan?

Yes, they will!

What happens if I don't renew my Pro or Business plan?

Nothing bad will happen. All house plans and works will remain, but:

  • You will not be able to post new plans and works
  • A fee will be charged on each sale of a house plan. It will be 15% for the Pro plan and 20% for the Business plan.